



SPONGE CAKE            By: Danele and Iradi



JUNE & UXE´S STYLE GOXUA          By: June and Uxue



CUPCAKES           By: Leire and Lucia





Electrical Quiz Board Game

The primary 6 has been studying about the different kinds of energy for the past few weeks. However, out of all the kinds, they focused on Electrical Energy.

Electrical energy is a form of energy resulting from the flow of electric charge.


To understand more how it works, they all made an electrical quiz board game.

The topic:

The topic of the game was ”Major Internal Organs of the Body”. The choices were Heart, Lungs, Brain, Intestines, and Stomach.

What they did:

They started cutting some wires and connecting them with the right answers. A wire was connected to the battery and the light bulb. Another one was connected to the light bulb and to the paperclip. The last one was connected to the battery and to the paperclip.

Everyone was eager to be successful with this activity. You can see that they are trying their best to follow the steps that the teacher gave them. They made sure everything was right.


These were the finished products of their work.



What Happened:


The electrical energy from the battery flowed freely through the wires to the paired paperclips when it touches the gold pins because the metal inside the wires (aluminum or copper), the paperclips, and the gold pins were conductors of electricity. This happened because a closed circuit was made. Electrons were flowing continuously from negative to positive thus making the light bulb shine if the answer was correct. Moreover, if the answer was incorrect, the electrical circuit will not be complete, so the light bulb will not shine. This was because it was an open circuit.

Everyone enjoyed this activity and learned a lot about the process of electricity. They were excited whenever they finish their quiz games. Their faces light up as the bulb does the same, signifying their success.

The Digestive System

Recently, the primary 5 students have been studying about the digestive system of our body. To understand it more thoroughly, they conducted an activity that depicts the process of digestion.


The class was divided into groups of 4 or 5 and they brought the materials needed for this experiment. The materials were:

  • Bread or biscuits
  • Scissors
  • Zip lock bag
  • ½ cup of water
  • ½ cup of coca-cola
  • Deep aluminium dish
  • 2 Plastic cups (cut the bottom part of one)
  • Paper cup (cut a hole at the bottom)
  • Paper towels
  • ½ pair of tights
  • A pair of gloves


The students started the activity by cutting the bread with the scissors or breaking the biscuits into pieces. The next step was to put the pieces into the zip lock bag. Then, they poured some water into the bag and close it. They started mashing the mixture in the bag until they got a paste like texture.


The students were enjoying this part but some of them are a bit disgusted of the appearance of the mixture.

After that, they added some coke into the mixture and started mashing it again. Next, they poured the mixture into the tights using the plastic cup as a funnel.


Since this part was messy, they wear the gloves and squeeze the juices into the deep aluminium dish.


When the juices are all in the aluminium dish, they dabbed the tights with paper towels to dry. Next, they squeezed out the solid parts into the paper cup and pushed the solid parts with the other plastic cup into the deep aluminium dish.


There were mixed reactions from them. Some were laughing and some were disgusted. Nevertheless, everyone enjoyed the short experiment.


GRADE 5: English exam

Azterketa eguna: martxoaren 28an

Azterta mota: idatzia

Edukiak: Azterketa honetarako bi eduki multzo prestatu behar dituzte:

  • Tiger activity book unit 3: Hemen egin eta zuzendu ditugun ariketak bakarrik. Ez dute ikasi behar buruz hiztegia nola idatzi. Garrantzitsuena zera da: nola aldatzen diren izenondoak ingelesean konparaketak egiteko. Dauden arauak jakin behar dituzte. Jakin behar dute ere nola osatu esaldiak konparaketak egiteko.
    • Hemen izaten duten arazo handiena zera da: bereiztea noiz erabili “verb to be” eta noiz “verb to have”. Adibidez hilearen luzaera konparatzeko “She has got longer hair than Sam” Kasu honetan verb to be erabiltzen dute askok edo “long” idazten dute “longer” idatzi beharrean
  • Etxerako lanak: Izenondoen emandako zerrenda ezagutu behar dute baina ez dute ikasi behar buruz nola idazten diren. Ariketak etxerako lanetan dauden modukoak izango dira; hau da, konparatibo forma idatzi, euskarazko izenondoa nola idatzi ingelesez, ingelesen izenondoen kontrakoa idaztea. Etxerako lanetan moduan zerrenda batetik aukeratu beharko dituzte erantzunak.

Etxerako lanak azken astearterako izan ziren. Batzuk ez zituzten egin edo esan didate galdu dituztela. Kasu horietan berriro eskatu behar dituzte etxerako lanak irakasleari.


Día del examen: 28 de marzo

Tipo de examen: escrito

Contenido: Para este examen deben preparar dos tipos de contenido:

  • Tiger activity book unit 3: Se trata solo de los ejercicios que hemos hecho y corregido en clase. No tienen que aprender de memoria cómo se escribe el vocabulario. Lo más importante es que comprendan y recuerden cómo se modifican los adjetivos en inglés para hacer frases comparativas. Deben saber las normas que existen y saber hacer frases comparativas
    • Aquí el mayor problema lo tienen al diferenciar cuándo usar el verb to be o el verb to have. Por ejemplo si hacemos una frase comparando el pelo largo “She has got longer hair than Sam” Muchos utilizan el verb to be o escriben “long” en lugar de “longer”
  • Los deberes realizados: Deben conocer la lista de adjetivos pero no deben aprender cómo escribirlos de memoria. Los ejercicios serán como los de los deberes; es decir, escribir la forma comparativa en inglés, escribir la forma inglesa de un adjetivo en euskera, escribir los opuestos a una lista de adjetivos ingleses. Como en los deberes, tendrán una lista de donde deberán elegir la respuesta.

Los deberes eran para el pasado martes. Algunos no los hicieron o dijeron que los habían perdido. En esos casos deben volver a pedirlos al profesor.



Grade 6: English exam

Azterketaren eguna: Martxoaren 21a

Azterketa mota: idatzia

Edukiak: azken etxerako laneatan landu doguna. Aditzen iragana nola idatzi gogoratu dogu. Gai hau bosgarren mailan ikasi zuten, baina gagarrantzitsua da ondo gogoratzea.

Azterketan “regular verbs” galdetuko ditut. Bakarrik hiru “irregular verbs” ikusi ditugu etxerako lanetan (verb to be, verb to have, verb to go) Horiek bai jakin behar dituzte. Hau da, ariketetan agertzen diren aditzak, jarriko ditut hiru gehiago “basic verbs” zerrendatatik, baina arau berdinak dituztenak iragana egiteko.

Gogoratu behar dute nola egin baiezko, ezezke eta galderak ingelesez, baina kasu honetan iraganean, adibidez:

Tom / with his friends yesterday (play football)

V: Tom played football with his friends yesterday

X: Tom didn’t play football with his friends yesterday

Q: Did Tom play football with his friends yesterday?

Konturatu behar dira ez dela “didn’t played” ezta “Did Tom played”. Gauza bera “verb to go” and “verb to have” idazterakoan

Ez: she didn’t had  / She didn’t went       Bai: she didn’t have / she didn’t go

Ez: Did she had ? / Did she went?           Bai: Did she have___? Did she go ?


Fecha del examen: 21 de marzo

Tipo de examen: escrito

Contenido: será el mismo de los últimos deberes. Deben recordar cómo escribir el tiempo pasado de los verbos. Este tema ya lo estudiaron en quinto, pero es importante recordarlo bien.

En el examen preguntaré los “regular verbs”. En los deberes sólo aparecen tres verbos irregulares (verb to be, verb to have y vert to go) Esos sí los deben saber. Por lo tanto deben conocer los verbos que aparecen en los deberes. También introduciré tres más de la listas “basic verbs”. Serán verbos que siguen las mismas normas para formar el tiempo pasado.

Deben recordar cómo hacer frases afirmativas, de negación y preguntas. En este caso en el tiempo pasado. Por ejemplo:

Tom / with his friends yesterday (play football)

V: Tom played football with his friends yesterday

X: Tom didn’t play football with his friends yesterday

Q: Did Tom play football with his friends yesterday?

Deben saber que no se escribe “didn’t played” ni “Did Tom played”. Lo mismo con los verbos “verb to go” y “verb to have”

No: she didn’t had / She didn’t went         Sí: she didn’t have / She didn’t go

No: Did she had ?  / Did she went ?         Sí: Did she have___? / Did she go ?





Azterketa eguna: otsailaren 21a

Azterketa mota: idatzizkoa


  • Klasean egindako unit 2-ko ariketak. Berrikusi behar dituzten ariketa garrantzitsuenak hauek dira:
    • Page 14 activities 1,2 and 3
    • Page 17 activities 11 and 12
    • Page 18 activities 14 and 15
    • Page 22 activities 26 and 27
    • Page 23 activity 28
    • Page 83 activities 1 and 2
    • Page 92 Grammar presentation and activities 1 and 2
    • Page 93 activities 3, 4, 5, 6


  • COMPARATIVES. Azterketaren atal honetan iaz 5. Mailako unit 3-an ikasitakoa berrikusi behar dute. Ariketa garrantzitsuen fotokopiak eman dizkiet. Bertan ariketa garrantzitsuak V batekin markatuta daude. Norbaitek ez baditu fotokopiak edo galdu baditu eskatu behar dizkit.



Hilabete honetan ahozko adierazpena ingelesez baloratzen hasi naiz. Hori egiteko “stars” ematearen metodoa erabiltzen dut. Zerbait ingelesez esaten dutenean stars emanten dizkiet.. Horretarako une batzuk egongo dira (hiztegi berria sartzerakoan…) baina edozein unetan erabilitako ingelesa ere baloratuko dut. Ahalegina baloratzen dut gehien bat, beti gramatikaren gainetik. Gehien saiatzen direnak eta arriskua hartzen dutenak lortzen dute star gehien.

Astero English duten lehen egunean aukera ematen diet galdetzeko zenbat stars dituzten iadanik.



Día del examen: 21 de febrero.

Tipo de examen: escrito


  • Los ejercicios realizados en clase de la Unit 2. Los ejercicios más importantes que deben repasar son los siguientes:
    • Page 14 activities 1,2 and 3
    • Page 17 activities 11 and 12
    • Page 18 activities 14 and 15
    • Page 22 activities 26 and 27
    • Page 23 activity 28
    • Page 83 activities 1 and 2
    • Page 92 Grammar presentation and activities 1 and 2
    • Page 93 activities 3, 4, 5, 6
  • COMPARATIVES. Esta parte del examen es de repaso de lo aprendido en la unit 3 del quinto curso. He repartido fotocopias de los ejercicios más importantes que deben recordar. En las fotocopias marco con una V los ejercicios importantes. Si alguno/a no las tiene o las ha perdido debe pedírmelas.


Durante este mes he empezado a valorar la expresión oral en inglés. Lo hago a través del método de darles “stars” cada vez que dicen algo en inglés. Para ello habrá momentos específicos en clase (presentación  de nuevo vocabulario…) y también valoraré toda expresión natural en cualquier momento. Valoro el esfuerzo por encima de la exactitud y la corrección gramatical. Los que más se arriesgan y se esfuerzan por expresarse en Inglés ganarán más “stars”.

El primer día de la semana en el que tengan English les doy la opción de preguntarme cuántas stars tienen acumuladas.





Azterketa eguna: otsailaren 21a

Azterketa mota: idatzizkoa


  • Verb to be
  • Verb to have
  • Verb to like

Azterketan egongo diren ariketak etxerako lanetan egindakoak modukoak izango dira. Etxerako lanak klasean zuzendu ditugu arbel digitalean banan banan.

Akats arruntak horrelako azterketa batean:

Verb to HAVE

  • Baiezko esaldietan got ez idaztea. British era ikasten ari gara eta got idaztea eskatzen diet.
  • Galderatan got idaztea ahazten zaie
  • HASEN’T idaztea HASN’T idatze beharren
  • Verb to BE
    • ISEN’T idaztea ISN’T idatzi beharrean
  • Verb to LIKE
    • DOSEN’T idaztea DOESN’T idatzi beharrean
    • He doesn’t likeS idaztea He doesn’t like idatzi beharrean.


Hilabete honetan ahozko adierazpena ingelesez baloratzen hasi naiz. Hori egiteko “stars” ematearen metodoa erabiltzen dut. Zerbait ingelesez esaten dutenean stars emanten dizkiet.. Horretarako une batzuk egongo dira (hiztegi berria sartzerakoan…) baina edozein unetan erabilitako ingelesa ere baloratuko dut. Ahalegina baloratzen dut gehien bat, beti gramatikaren gainetik. Gehien saiatzen direnak eta arriskua hartzen dutenak lortzen dute star gehien.

Astero English duten lehen egunean aukera ematen diet galdetzeko zenbat stars dituzten iadanik.


Día del examen: 21 de febrero

Tipo de examen: escrito


  • Verb to be
  • Verb to have
  • Verb to like

Los ejercicios del examen serán similares a los ejercicios que han hecho en los últimos deberes. Dichos ejercicios los hemos corregido en la pizarra digital uno a uno.

Errores frecuentes en este tipo de examen:

  • Verb to HAVE
    • En las frases afirmativas olvidarse escribir “got”. Estamos aprendiendo el modo británico y les pido escribir got.
    • Olvidarse de escribir got al hacer las preguntas
  • Verb to BE
    • Escribir ISEN’T en lugar de ISN’T
  • Verb to LIKE
    • Escribir DOSEN’T en lugar de DOESN’T
    • Escribir He doesn’t likes en lugar de He doesn’t like


Durante este mes he empezado a valorar la expresión oral en inglés. Lo hago a través del método de darles “stars” cada vez que dicen algo en inglés. Para ello habrá momentos específicos en clase (presentación  de nuevo vocabulario…) y también valoraré toda expresión natural en cualquier momento. Valoro el esfuerzo por encima de la exactitud y la corrección gramatical. Los que más se arriesgan y se esfuerzan por expresarse en Inglés ganarán más “stars”.

El primer día de la semana en el que tengan English les doy la opción de preguntarme cuántas stars tienen acumuladas.

The Solar System Project


       Our solar system is a vast place, with lots of mostly empty space between planets. The solar system is made up of the sun and everything that orbits around it, including planets, moons, asteroids, comets and meteors. Everything in the Solar System orbits or revolves around the sun. At the same time, the 8 planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) that we have also rotate on their own axis.


        To show the movements and positions of the different planets, the primary 5 students created a model using cut-outs of the planets and the sun. They arranged these cut-outs on a black paperboard and decorated it.

The steps in making this project are:

1.) Cut out the planets and long strips of paper to serve as the arms;

2.) With a single puncher or scissors, make a hole in the center of the sun and on one end of the arms;

3.) Place a metal brad in the middle of the sun and connect all the arms to it before opening it;

4.) Wrap the sun, the planets, and the arms with scotch tape so that it won’t tear.

5) Place the planets at the end of every arm with tape.

6.) Decorate the black paperboard with stars, comets, asteroids, or anything that you want to put.

7.) Enjoy and show to the class!


These are the finished products of some of the students:


Learning the Layers of the Earth


    There is more to the Earth than what we can see on the surface. In fact, if you were able to hold the Earth in your hand and slice it in half, you’d see that it has multiple layers.

   To learn more about these layers, the students from primary 6 (6th grade) did a project using modelling clays. The students formed groups and created a small ball with multiple layers that represented the Earth.


         First, they created a yellow ball from the clay. This represented the innermost layer of the Earth which is the Inner Core. Then, they covered the yellow ball with orange clay which represented the next layer, the Outer Core. Next, red clay was formed around the ball and this represented the Mantle. After that, the layer which represented the Crust, the outermost layer of the Earth, was the brown clay that covered the ball. Lastly, blue clay was wrapped around the ball to represent the waters of the Earth and some of them formed continents using green clay. After forming this small ball with multiple layers, they cut 1/4 of the ball so that the layers would be visible.

This was the finished product of the students:


         The students then presented these models by group in front of the whole class. This is just the start of their journey on learning more about our beautiful and mysterious planet. Their eyes were opened that there is more than what we see around the place we are living in. This project really enlightened the students about one of the mysteries about our planet and it was a great experience for them.


Theatre has always been a creative way to educate people, especially children. This art has been existing ever since the time of Aristotle and it has never failed to give knowledge and enlightenment to its audience. It is entertaining, informative, and dynamic. It is the most suitable medium of learning especially for children who loves hearing music and seeing movements, and colors.

On the 18th of January, the students from primary 1 to 6 went to the culture centre to watch plays by Forum Theatre & Education. This company aims to promote theatre as a tool to learn English in a fun and motivational way. Watching the plays were a part of the English subject of the students in Gandasegi.



For primary 1, 2, and 3, they watched “Tic Tac Alice”. This story follows the adventures of a girl named Alice to a place called Wonderland.



Since the play was interactive, some students went up to the stage to help Alice solve problems.


Some of them even wore costumes and used some props!

The kids with Alice and the Madhatterargazkiak-265argazkiak-267

The kids with the Queen of Hearts and Aliceargazkiak-274argazkiak-275

The kids were happy because they felt that they were also part of the play.

At the end of the play, the actors asked for many volunteers to come on stage. Everyone wanted to go but only a few were selected. Nevertheless, all of them were taught a simple song and dance.

Everyone was very happy singing and dancing together. They enjoyed Tic Tac Alice very much.


As for the primary 4, 5, and 6, the play they watched was Gulliver. This story tells the adventures of a doctor from England and his struggles and encounters on the different places he went to.

Antzerkia 2 130.JPGantzerkia-2-129

It started with a song about the Sea Museum sang by two sailors. In the Sea Museum, they showed the different kinds of treasures they have from different stories such as Titanic, The Lost Empire of Atlantis, and the Loch ness monster.

Like the first story (Tic Tac Alice), this was also interactive. Some students also went up on stage to help the actors.



Here you can see the kids helping Lily the Lilliputian tie Gulliver up.antzerkia-2-143antzerkia-2-145

In this photo, a student helps Gulliver and Lily fix the boat.antzerkia-2-155

A student helps Gulliver cook a meal for the giant.antzerkia-2-167



At the end of the play, the students also joined the actors to sing and dance the song of Lily the Lilliputian.antzerkia-2-170


After watching the plays by Forum Theatre & Education, everyone was truly delighted. They were happy and much more excited about learning English. All the students went back to school with a smile. It is another unforgettable moment for all of them.